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A video of all 50 (+ the district) states license plates on Hilton Head Island. After moving to the island from the midwest I started realizing how many people came to vacation on this tiny (14 x 7 mile) barrier island nestled in the southern tip of South Carolina. In the midwest you might occasionally see a license plate from a neighboring state, and in a good week you might see 2 or 3 different states. I quickly noticed that many states were represented here on HHI. After a few months I started to keep track in my head of all the different states- which quickly turned into a contest. Could I document all 50 states and the District of Columbia on our small island. YES! (Hawaii was a struggle but not as much as South Dakota. I snapped the shot fo SD while getting my oil changed. I guess if you drive from South Dakota or further- you are probably due for an oil change. Anyways it was fun, and obsessive, I hope you enjoy. Now on to some other obsession. But if you are every in the area- stop on over to our wonderful little slice of paradise on Hilton Head Island, SC :)